That very day it seemed as if everything had to go wrong one by one. And again and again I was reminded of this one line from some poem "When things go wrong as they sometimes will" Strangely I did not remember the rest but I could fathom that the remaining part would imply not to quit :D Here is the poem which I later found on the net. First the background of my anecdote.

South Indian weddings are so simple unlike North Indian weddings. We were careful enough not to stand out in the south Indian crowd, hence we took quite sober clothes, not too much dhinchak or cham cham(dazzling) ones. Nevertheless, we did stand out a little bit, the 2 north indian girls amongst a whole silk sari clad south Indian ladies crowd :D Look here look here, look anywhere and you see Silk saris in different varieties and colors. It was quite a sight for us :) Never saw so many colored silk saris in one place.
The engagement and the wedding were the 2 main functions, and so after the wedding ended, me and Khushi set out for the station with the print out of the ticket in our pockets. We were actually very happy to leave as in a very short duration we felt drained out of energy , mainly because of the weather and were eager to get back to the pleasant weather of Bangalore. As soon as we reached the station, with the ticket in hand, I moved towards the enquiry counter to know the platform number on which our train would come. As soon as the railway person checked our ticket, he was quick to respond saying that our train had already left at 1:25 in the morning :O Dumbstruck I turned towards my friend who was secretly praying that it wasn't me to whom the railway person told this. He was actually using a mike so she heard it on loud speaker :D
The look on our faces, totally dumbstruck and blank :D 1:25 am and 13:25 pm the 24 hour format betrayed us with an extremely grave impact. We had no ticket in hand, standing amidst the crowd at Coimbatore station feeling the scorching heat, we started calling our friends. So desperate my friend was, that she was ready to travel in General compartment of a train which was about to arrive shortly on a station. Awed by her unawareness of how a general compartment is, I began to discourage her saying that it would be highly suicidal and uncomfortable to travel in general. Knowing not what to do, and heeding a friends advice, we started towards platform in search of TT in case he could give us a berth. Desperate not seeing the TT, I left my friend with the luggage and went off to enquire for another night train to Bangalore, to see if we could book tickets in that. In the meantime, the train arrived on station and my friend met the TT and he told her to board the train and that he would make some arrangement. Unfortunately at that time, I was at the reservation office and so we missed that train as well :( One mishap followed by another :|
Thankfully for my friend I did not lose my cool. She was quite level headed and so was I, strangely enough :D And I realized what a contagious effect the 2nd person can have on your personality :) Because Khushi was so composed, I guess I was too. Finally we decided to head back to Kashish's place and told a friend to book bus tickets for the night from Red Bus site. Having found our solution, we celebrated with a cup of coffee each :D and since I needed something to munch on, I bought Tiger biscuits. LOL. And both of us laughed hysterically at our condition while sitting on a bench on the platform. Because of the language problem, we bugged our friend Kashish too, who was with her in-laws at that time :O yes!! but we had no choice but to try and contact her.
Finally her bro came to pick us up at the station, we took print outs of our night bus ticket and waited eagerly for the time to pass. Kashish's college going cousin was sweet enough to give us company. And Kashish's parents and relatives were sweet enough to feed us 2 more meals :D To be frank I was quite bored with the unknown curries , idlis and rice nevertheless eating on a banana leaf had its own charm :)
Photo Credits : Thumbs up to Khushi to suggest taking this photo ;) .and thanks to myself :D for taking it
Photo Credits : Thumbs up to Khushi to suggest taking this photo ;) .and thanks to myself :D for taking it
ha ha ..also put a note.. names changed to maintain true identity ;)
@Dreamers eye Is that even necessary :D You got it lady!!
नमस्कार हीना बहुत ही बेहतरीन लिखा है मगर आशा वादी नजरिये से बुरा अच्छे में बदल जाता है, और हाँ इंतनी अच्छी पोस्ट अ\उर कमेन्ट केबल ४ आप हिंदी में भी लिखे और हिंदी ब्लॉग जगत में आये बहुत अच्छा है यहाँ एक पूरा परिवार
प्रवीण पथिक
@Praveen ji, aapki tipni (read in hindi :) ) ke liye bahut dhanyawaad. Hindi mein likhne ka prayaas karoongi.
Yes, it's surprising that English is more popular than Hindi in parts of South India. I went to a movie with friends and I had to translate, and my Hindis is atrocious! Thanks, fun story.
@Kaushik Yeah its a shame actually if you think Hindi being the national language. I was utterly disappointed after knowing that Hindi was the 3rd language in the the schools in south. We ought to give it more importance. Fortunately, I had the privilege to study Hindi Course A which i believe is taught only in North India.
Thanks for your comment!
I was surprised when Gujarat High court stated "Hindi is not a national language as most of the Indians do not speak Hindi". With regional languages having strong hold of their people, Hindi can never become a national language. I would suggest to use English as the language to communicate with people who don't know the regional language. English is becoming universal.
If there is a need to have a national language, I would always prefer Sanskrit instead of Hindi. Sanskrit is rich, traditional, and many wonderful ancient texts are in Sanskrit. With Sanskrit, I can get an opportunity to read those ancient text, which has lot of knowledge embedded.
:) - Elango
@Elango Ohh I did not know that Gujarat High Court stated that. But on the contrary, people in Gujarat are well versed in Hindi, doesn't make sense to state that!!
I agree what you said about Sanskrit, but we can't change our national language :) In fact we should encourage everyone to know basic Hindi, angrezi/English is something we adopted and is not in our heritage, so its ruled out. Although it is universally spoken by all, but it cannot represent India.Hindi/Sanskrit on the other hand can
Thanks for your comment!
I am greatly surprised to read comments from so called educated professionals ,especially from the south, who do not accept hindi as national language and still prefer their vernacular and english over hindi.
India has 22 different scehduled languages and hindi is the most widely spoken. Hindi is rightly the national language of India and will always be unless constitution is changed.
BTW, does anyone know in which language was constitution of India written? :)
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